Do you really know your health professional?
When I see questionable exercise programs, patients are often unaware of what qualifications the person that prescribed it had.
Chartered Physiotherapists all have 3-4 years of a college degree.
Me: hi I'm I'm Riona, I have 4 years undergraduate training (1:1 Physiotherapy Degree from Trinity), 2 further years studying for a Masters Degree in Musculoskeletal Medicine and numerous post graduate diploma and certificate courses completed ( Diploma in Advanced Physiotherapy Practise, Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine, Cerrificate in Spinal Manual Therapy....) I have spent well into the 5 digits on post graduate learning. I won the Cyriax Research Award in 2013 for my research into neck and shoulder pain
I spend at least 3-4 EVERY WEEK looking through recent publications, up to date physiotherapy podcasts and am currently still engaged in research into shoulder pain with UCC.
DOES YOUR "Physio" invest into getting keeping up to date regularly? What are their exact credentials?
Please don't accept anything that isnt good enough